
The EDDY Line – October, 2024

“Tribal Knowledge”: Navigating the path to your North Star…

At the urging of my cousin, Jim Eddy, to write an issue of The EDDY Line about “Tribal Knowledge,” and my “North Star,” I dedicate this issue to him. “Cheers!”

As the patriarch of the EDDY family, I embrace the role as the storyteller of our family’s “Tribal Knowledge. You know, it’s that secret cache of wisdom passed down through generations. Somewhat like the ancient scrolls of family survival, and with the significance of a wise sage. Me, a wise sage? No, wrong guy!

But seriously, I do assume my role with a strong sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining and perpetuating my family’s brand, heritage, reputation, and core values.

As the patriarch, I’m supposed to be the pillar that others can lean on for support and advice, or to just listen to what’s on their mind.  And I’m comfortable in that role, because I do have  many more (I’m not counting) years of experience with life’s many challenges and setbacks.

But hey, who do I lean on, when I am overwhelmed or devastated?  Sorry Bill, just suck it up, stand tall, and roll with the punches. Remember, that life isn’t fair!

OK, I’ve enjoyed the benefit of receiving counsel and guidance from my wife, Linda, my family, and a few close friends.

In navigating the path to my “North Star,” my guiding light in life, what matters most to me, is staying true to my purpose, core values, and goals that have become the cornerstone in my life, and helped me when I’ve wandered too deep into the wilderness, too many times, to chase something ‘shiny,’ and shiny can mean distractions, challenges, and diversions of all kinds.

There were a few that required a toughness of inner strength, a firm belief that I would prevail, no matter what. A positive “attitude” is everything in life, and more!

It’s my personal life coach that doesn’t bill me by the hour. No matter how lost, confused, or completely turned around I get, it’s still there. It’s screaming, “Hey Bill, you were supposed to turn left two disasters ago.” Who, me?

Very early in life, I listened to a wealth of interesting stories from my parents, grandparent’s, and aunts and uncles about what’s important in life, like showing respect for your elders, etiquette, polite behavior, and honesty.

The importance of saying the words, ‘Please,’ and ‘Thank you.’

Those two elementary, and thoughtful words, play an integral role in my “North Star,” and should be in yours.

I don’t hold the role of the family patriarch without recalling the many chapters of my life.

There are many, but I’m not counting. My family has always been a priority, however, I have shot myself in the foot a few times, and It doesn’t feel good.

Through it all, my “North Star” seems to be in fairly good repair. I’m proud to be the patriarch in my family, and intend on maintaining that role for many years to come.

I’m eager to continue my storytelling, and hope my family is OK with that.

What guides you to your “North Star?”

Written by : Bill Aloha Eddy

“Aloha”​ is a Way of Life Founder, Aloha EDDY Company, Inc. -

Entrepreneur, Author/Writer, Film Producer, Brand Ambassador, Business Strategies & Start-Ups.

Bill writes “​The Aloha EDDY Line” - a​ personal email newsletter about the business world, captivating people, his clients, his travels, life in Hawaii, our culture and - “The Spirit of Aloha,”​- the essence of relationships and mutual respect. Bill and Filmmaker, Richard Newman Co-Produced, “​Addicted to Joy,”​ - Love stories about the evolution of surfing and surfing’s cultural heritage. Captivating stories from the shapers and surfers that shaped the soul of surfing. They honor these remarkable people about a way of life, the human spirit, and to be free doing what they love! “​Addicted to Joy,”​ is their “Pilot” film for a multitude of projects and new episodes. Bill also serves on the Board of Directors for the ​“Surfing Heritage & Cultural Center (SHACC).


  1. Richard October 23, 2024 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Love this so much

  2. Uncle Bill December 6, 2024 at 6:39 pm - Reply

    Thank you, Ricky!,,

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