“Addicted to Joy” – A fascinating and historic new documentary film.
Created by Distinguished Filmmaker, Richard Newman and Producer, Bill Eddy…
Our film is an extraordinary collection of captivating and passionate love stories about a way of life – the “Human Element,” and the “Human Spirit,” that dates back to the early Polynesians in the 12th Century. Theirs was, and still is, an attitude that’s universal, and transcends politics.
They shaped the “Soul of Surfing,” so we honor those surfers and shapers, and honor that history – a history for all cultures and every generation…
Immerse yourself in surfing’s cultural history…

“Addicted to Joy,” – “Surfing’s Brilliant Cultural Ride – A passionate and unique documentary about surfing’s history, board makers, and the men & women that kept the stoke-flame burning.”
Our story begins…
Our film is not just another surfing movie. In fact, “Addicted to Joy” is unlike any other film you’ve ever seen about surfing, surfer’s, and the surfing lifestyle.
We chronicle surfing’s cultural heritage dating back to the ancient Polynesians, when surfing was something completely unique, incomparable, and something they didn’t experience in any other way. It was a way of life. They were passionate, free, and lived their lives doing what they loved!
Meet the legendary surfers and preeminent craftsmen…
Jan Pedersen was the man responsible for milling the fallen giant Sequoia Redwood trees. Trees from which prestigious and influential shapers displayed their skills by shaping surfboards from one of the many 18-20 foot redwood slabs that were milled from these 2,500 to 3,000 year old trees. Pedersen said, “The tree is where the magic is. The energy in this wood is like none other.”
Native Hawaiian shaping master, Tom “Pohaku” Stone, talks about the evolution of surfboards and the solid wooden boards of his ancestors, and says, “Surfboards aren’t new, they are just made from different materials.”
Celebrated surfing legend, Billy Hamilton, aka, “The Jesus of Cool,” said, “Back then, we were looked at as bums. Why, we were just too free. We had a license to fly, and we did.”
Pioneer big wave surfer, Darrick Doerner, said, ”I learned from Mother Nature that you have to have patience. You have to put your time in to really feel the magic.”
Australia’s surfing luminary, Wayne Lynch said, “It’s all about relationships at all levels, and an amazing cultural connection, with depth, with meaning, and with continuity.”
And Paul Strauch, Hawaiian-born champion longboard surfer during the 1960s, and best known for his ‘Cheater Five,’ maneuver and smooth and graceful style, in and out of the water, said, “I was taught to respect the ocean and the beauty of nature, the most powerful force on earth.” He added, “In nature, we are all part of a whole, and we have an obligation to understand that relationship.”
Theirs was, and still is, an attitude that’s universal, and transcends politics.
“Addicted to Joy,” – The Franchise:
New projects, and New episodes. Over 30 all new, rich, in-depth 20-30 minute interviews in addition to the full length documentary film…
It’s all connected….