“Peter Belden grew up in the water in Newport Beach, CA.”…
Peter Belden spent his childhood growing up in Newport Beach. He’s an accomplished surfer, worked 23 years as a seasonal lifeguard, and was a standout Water Polo player at Newport Harbor High, and in college at UCLA. After graduation, he spent the next ten years in real estate, computer software, and data analytics. Peter told me that during those ten years, he was looking for career advancement, chasing money, but not happiness. Sound familiar?
“The Lights come on July 6th, 2014″…
July 6th, 2014 was the date that good friend, Newport Beach Lifeguard, Ben Carlson drowned while making a rescue in big surf. Ben was the first, and only Lifeguard to die in the line of duty, since the Lifeguard service was formed in 1923. That was a life-changing moment for Peter. He thought, “That could happen to me, because Ben was only 32 when he died, and Peter realized that life was too short to pursue a career that was not making him happy.
“At 31, he quit his job, Sold his car, and put his stuff in storage.”…
Peter decided to leave Newport Beach, and go see the world. He made a pledge to himself not to return home until he figured out what to do with the rest of his life.
He traveled to Bali, Lombok, and Sumbawa, (Indonesia) with his backpack, a scooter, and 3 surfboards. That was an incredible learning experience, but the inspiration he was looking for wasn’t there. So he decided that Australia would be his next destination. He spent the next six months living in a funky old van, surfing, and exploring some of Australia’s beautiful coastline, and white sandy beaches, from Melbourne to the Gold Coast.
One day, while trying to surf a heavy “slabbing”** wave in New South Wales, and with the wrong type of surfboard, he became frustrated, as he wanted to surf those slab waves with the right board, which he didn’t have. Later that day, he began looking in local surf shops, and surf clubs that would offer him access to a wide variety of quality surfboards. He looked at many varieties of boards, but still couldn’t find the board that would enable him to ride those slab waves.
**(A ‘slab’ is generally a solid piece of reef that sticks out in deep water, so rides on a surfboard are short and very intense.)
“Suddenly, Peter arrives at his ‘Ah ha’ Moment, and an Inspiration”…
He thought, “I could purchase a wide range of surfboard styles, and then offer surfers access to those boards for a low monthly membership fee. So, rather than having to buy boards, that range in price from $600 – $1500, a surfer could pay a low monthly membership fee of $80 to $90.00 a month, and then they would have access to hundreds of various styles and sizes of surfboards.
In Australia, board clubs are found at most beaches, and serve as a gathering place for ‘locals’ and lifeguards to hang out, eat, drink, and ‘talk story.’ They are an integral part of the beach community, and help build relationship and new friendships. He thought, Golf Clubs, Tennis Clubs, and Yacht Clubs are everywhere, so why not a Board Club for surfers.”
Peter spent the next month in various Australian coffee shops working on his Business Plan, and thought, “That’s when you realize how much you don’t know.” Once he completed his Business Plan, he sold his van and returned home to Newport Beach to find the perfect spot to open his very first “Newport Board Club.” After two months, and a lot of frustration, he got lucky. He was having lunch at “Wild Taco” on 31st Street in Newport Beach, and just happened to see a ‘For Lease’ sign across the street on a building at 408 31st Street, and just a short walk to the beach. Life works that way sometimes. This was meant to be, and now, it’s the proud address for “The Board Club.”

“May 28, 2016, The ‘Newport Board Club’ opens for business.”…
Peter envisions “The Board Club” to be a gathering spot for his surf buddies, and new surfers. A club that is much more than surfboard rentals, it’s a Surf Club first.
His Newport Board Club is only 2700 square feet, and that includes parking, and event space behind the building. Inside the building are lockers, a hot shower, coffee, and a lineup of various styles of surfboards. His garage holds a kayak, beach items, chairs, games, and coolers to take to the beach. Surfers can keep the board they rent for up to 3 weeks. He hosts member dinners , shaping demos, surf movie premiers, art fairs, shaper talks, and a wide variety of other events that bring the local community together.
In fact, on September 26, 2019, Peter and his “Board Club” hosted the premier private showing of “Addicted to Joy,” the historical documentary film that chronicles Surfing and Surf Culture’s Colorful Heritage. It was a memorable evening for Filmmaker, Richard Newman and me. Why? We are the co-producers of this film, and Peter’s generosity allowed us to show it to a “full house” of friends, family, and special guests in the events area behind the Board Club building. “Thank you, Peter.” We will always cherish that evening.

“Something significant and memorable is hanging in the rafters.”…
There are only two surfboards that are off-limits to his members. The first is a shiny, cherry red board that Peter keeps in the rafters until he has a chance to ride it first.
The second board is one that will never go in the water again. It is Ben Carlson’s surfboard, and it was signed by hundreds of surfers, admirers, family, and friends at his “Paddle-Out” off the Newport Pier, and was given to Peter Belden by Ben Carlson’s parents to display at the club. Peter humbly said, “I couldn’t be more honored that they chose to put it here at The Board Club.”
He used to sit and make cold calls to sell computer software. Now he’s surrounded by people he loves being with. Surfing is his passion. This is his life now, to make other people happy. To Peter, It’s the most meaningful thing that he does.

“Friday, May 28th is the 5th Anniversary celebration of the Newport Beach Board Club.”…
Peter Belden is an exceptional young man. He has plans to open more Board Clubs, and offer more opportunities for his members, fellow surfers, and the community.
Thank you, Peter Belden, for all you do. You make Newport Beach a better and happier place. Hana hou!…
Written by : Bill Aloha Eddy
“Aloha” is a Way of Life Founder, Aloha EDDY Company, Inc. -
Entrepreneur, Author/Writer, Film Producer, Brand Ambassador, Business Strategies & Start-Ups.
Bill writes “The Aloha EDDY Line” - a personal email newsletter about the business world, captivating people, his clients, his travels, life in Hawaii, our culture and - “The Spirit of Aloha,”- the essence of relationships and mutual respect. Bill and Filmmaker, Richard Newman Co-Produced, “Addicted to Joy,” - Love stories about the evolution of surfing and surfing’s cultural heritage. Captivating stories from the shapers and surfers that shaped the soul of surfing. They honor these remarkable people about a way of life, the human spirit, and to be free doing what they love! “Addicted to Joy,” is their “Pilot” film for a multitude of projects and new episodes. Bill also serves on the Board of Directors for the “Surfing Heritage & Cultural Center (SHACC).
What a great write up on a great person making a difference by going a place no one has gone before. I was privileged to meet Peter st the premiere of “Addicted to Joy” and saw his passion for his new business and his interest in expanding into many new markets. Quite a gentleman and a great ambassador for surfing and spreading the aloha spirit, much the way Bill Aloha Eddy does! Congratulations Peter! We are very proud of you and The Board Club.
Thank you for your kind words. Peter is an exceptional young man, and I value our friendship
and business relationship. He just produced a short video promoting our film, “Addicted to Joy.”
AEKDB, Brother…